======= from The Chinese Swaztika Newsletter =================== Generate Chi in Your Own Hands Almost Like Jesus by Dr. Wu Tao-Wei Now that some of my Readers are beginning to understand acupuncture, I can start discussing basic Chinese concepts such as the Life Force known as "Chi". [pronounced "chee"] Most people are familiar with all of the miracles that Jesus did. Whether you are a Christian or not, these stories have become a part of Western lore. But what most people don't know is that most of these events were not miracles at all but were rather ordinary actions by a super-ordinary man. And since most of us today are ordinary men and women, we find it hard to fathom actions that we imagine ourselves to be incapable of performing. But we can do many of these things even in our ordinary state of awareness. Even though Jesus told us that "What I do, you also can do and some things greater," we find it hard to believe that He really meant us but rather that He meant someone else other than us. According to the dictionary, a miracle is "an event that appears unexplainable by the laws of Nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God." One of the so-called "miracles" that almost every preacher attempts is the "laying on of hands." A True Man or a True Woman is a powerful being whose true strength remains hidden within their hearts so that their Mind looks outward for strength and misses the True Strength that is already in the Heart. As a minor example, every mother knows how to heal her little child who falls down, scraps his knee and cries. First, she applies a healing mantra. A mantra is a vocalized act of Power that can either create or destroy depending upon its intent. When her child cries out, she applies a healing mantra, first to heal his broken spirit. "Ah, Honey, don't cry. There, it's better. Be brave. Let me kiss the hurt and make it well, " and other such words. Thus, she gentles the child with her voice and begins the healing process. Next, she takes the child in her arms and envelopes him with her healing and protective Chi. His weakened condition is already made stronger as she balances his Chi with hers through her physical touch and gives him the added strength of two, fighting against the hurt. And she may even touch the wound with her hands and kiss it with her lips. And the little child begins to cry less, to calm down and to be healed. This is a natural, instinctive act of healing power by a mother towards a child. It is True Healing. We have all witnessed these events. But it has only been through the genius of Chinese observation that these events can be taken out of the miraculous and put into the ordinary. That a Mother can heal a child is a miracle. But it is also a wonder of this ordinary and simultaneously fantastic world. What a Mother can do with a little child, an ordinary person can do with a deathly-ill invalid IF he is able to tap the Power that he, himself, has within him. And this Power has been studied and analyzed to a very great degree by the ancient sages of Old China and by the yogis of Old India and by the saints and sages of Old Europe. But because so many Christians don't want to believe what Jesus taught them but prefer instead to believe that only a God can heal the sick, then many Christians are reduced to the Dark Ages where healing from disease and illness only comes from God or -- in their lack of knowledge and in their desperation -- they turn for help to the talismans and spells or the operations and chemical drugs of the demonic, Jewish physicians. Such ignorance! For those who are interested in feeling what it is like to have Healing Hands, there is a simple Chinese exercise that will turn you not into a "believer" but into a knowledgeable person. After all, "belief" is agreeing that something is true which you have never seen for yourself while "knowledge" is something that you agree is true because you have the personal experience of the facts. And so, I do not want you to be "believers" in Chi because that is for the fake acupuncturists and the low level kung-fu students who are still searching. What I want, is for every Western Person to be Knowledgeable in Chi. And to find knowledge, you must either study certain books or to perform certain tasks. And so, if you want to experience some Chi in your hands, do the following task. Everybody knows what it feels like to hold two north or two south poles of two magnets together. The magnetic force pushes these poles away and it is impossible for them to stick together. You will be looking for a similar feeling in the palms of your hands. All you have to do is place the palms of your hands close together but not touching, maybe an inch to three inches apart. It is almost like the familiar praying-hands mudra that Christians all use when they pray to God. During prayer, the palms are pressed together in the Prayer Mudra. But for generating Chi what you do is bring these two palms apart a few inches and then begin rotating them in circles. When the hands are cold, everyone knows how to generate heat by rubbing your palms back-and-forth together quickly. But for generating Chi you will do about the same thing, only do not let the palms touch each other and instead of moving them back and forth, rotate them in circles, not too fast, and not too slow, just at a comfortable and even speed. The circles should be about the size that is defined by the center of the palm going no farther in its circles than the edge of the opposite palm. Thus, it is as if the center of one palm radiates an energy that touches the edge of the opposite palm as the two palms face each other and make circles on parallel planes as if they are orbiting one another in the same direction or rolling a ball of clay or bread dough between your palms. As you do this, you will soon begin to feel the palms warm a bit and then comes a feeling as if the two palms were similar poles of two magnets. They seem to have an energy between them that can be felt to be pushing the palms away from each other. The more you practice this exercise, the more powerful will the magnetic feeling and the energy feeling become. Sometimes it is so powerful that it is hard to believe that such power could be coming out of your very own hands! Soon, you will be able to feel this energy radiating from your palms at will. And you will be able to feel the Chi in other people. Not everyone will feel this magnetic energy in their hands at first. But EVERYONE who seeks it will find it. I have had students who never felt a thing for many months while others immediately had eyes wide as saucers and their hair seemed to stand on end in their amazement of discovering something about themselves that had been with them all of their lives but which they had never taken the time to look at ... their very own Healing Hands. This is a beginning of Chi knowledge. When you feel this power in your own palms, you will be ready for "some things greater". -------------------------------------------------------------- The Celestial Pearl of Great Price by Dr. Wu Tao-Wei This in not an essay on Christianity, so you Heathens need not be afraid. Yet, not wishing to frighten away any Christians who might be reading this essay, I have named it as I have, "The Celestial Pearl of Great Price". After all, the title of a work usually gives some indication of the contents. This is true in this case, too. But the Christians who would read this title if I wrote it in its Chinese translation would be frightened out of their wits, would toss it away, cross themselves repeatedly, end up by never reading it and so fail to gain the Pearl of Great Price for themselves. And the Heathens who would read its Chinese title would immediately fall into erroneous assumptions and Heathen prejudices and they, too, would miss finding this great treasure. And so I did not use the Chinese title to this essay. Most Westerners have heard of the Pearl of Great Price even if they don't know what it means. And most Christians who have read about the Pearl of Great Price in the New Testament erroneously think that they really know what it means. Yes, the preachers all claim to be able to explain the meaning of this New Testament phrase that Jesus related to His followers -- the Pearl of Great Price -- but they are all assuming that it is an allegory with a philosophical meaning, that it exists only as an imaginary exercise in fable and mythology. And so all of them are missing the ACTUAL FACT of this great treasure, a fact for which you don't need to die first and then go to Heaven in order to get it, but you can hold the genuine Pearl of Great Price in your very own hands this very day. If you look it up in the Bible, you can make the assumption that the Pearl of Great Price is an allegory that represents Heaven or the Kingdom of God or some other great treasure beyond price. And yes, it can certainly be assumed that this is its meaning and a very good meaning and a very good allegory it is, too. But there is another meaning to this Biblical anecdote that not only confirms this meaning but makes it even greater. And it is a Pearl of Great Price that anyone can have for their very own whether they are Christians or Heathens. Often in the paintings and drawings of Old China, you see representations of dragons playing with a round ball clutched in their claws. This represented a very high level of Chi Kung and Kung-Fu knowledge as represented by that Guardian of Power and Wisdom. Likewise, in the paintings and drawings of Old Europe, you sometimes see drawings and paintings of Jesus holding a glowing ball in his hand. The lesser and lower level preachers who have no actual knowledge of mystic power or religion, claim that this ball represents the Pearl of Great Price in the scriptures or maybe it represents the Earth being held in the hand of Jesus. All of these meanings can be assumed to be true but they are not complete. Several weeks ago, I wrote an essay entitled "Generate Chi in Your Hands Almost Like Jesus". Those who experimented with that exercise technique have probably already found the energy that I told you about that would begin radiating from your hands. So, it is mainly to you that this essay is written because this is the next step. After you have rolled the energy ball around in your palms, do this: Gently press your palms together in the prayer mudra and while the palms are still flat together, spread your fingers and thumbs apart as far as you can. Your palms will still be pressed flat together but now, keeping the finger tips and thumb tips touching, gently separate the palms away from each other as if you are holding an invisible ball in your hands that is just the exact size of the empty space between your hands with the finger tips and thumb tips still touching. In kung-fu, if you separate the hands, and keep the round shape, this is called the Dragon's Palm. But in this case, you want to keep the finger tips of your two Dragon Palms touching and then create an energy ball by rotating the Dragon Palms over each other as if you are polishing a giant pearl clutched in your Dragon Claws. As you do this, you will begin to feel a ball of energy forming between your hands. And as you continue this exercise, the energy ball will increase in strength. Those who can see Chi energy, see that this energy ball is composed of white light very much like a pearl in the sunshine. There is nothing mystical about it because it is just one of the powers that we all have as Human Beings. But it was a secret until now. Just as you can generate chi in your hands almost like Jesus, you can also hold in your very own hands the ACTUAL Pearl of Great Price and keep it for your very own. And so, now that you know what I am writing about, perhaps you are brave enough now to know that the Pearl of Great Price was also known in Old China. Only there it was called the Dragon's Pearl. So, are you afraid, yet? When you can hold the Pearl of Great Price in your own hands like a glowing ball of spiritual energy, you will understand that it is a treasure found within everyone. But only those who seek shall find it. Yes, it is a Pearl of Great Price and with some very unique properties, too. Both Wisdom and Power are obtained by those who possess the Dragon's Pearl. And if you can give it away, you will not be poorer but will become even richer for doing so. The more you give it away, the richer you become. If you try to sell it, no one will buy it. Only a fool would buy what you hold in your empty hands. Or maybe you can find a poor Christian whose spirit is low and whose treasure is small. Give it to him and make him rich. But don't call it by its Chinese name or he will cross both of his index fingers at you to protect himself from anything having to do with Chinese Dragons, Dragon Pearls, Pearls of Great Price and all of those mythical things that modern men think of as nothing but allegories from fables of long, long ago. ================================================================= "The Chinese Swaztika Newsletter" is now published as the Aryan National Newsletter Subscriptions to this e-zine are free. Simply join our mailing list by sending an email with "Subscribe" in the subject line to ARCHIVES OF PAST ISSUES are located at: =================================================================