
Jews from their Lips


Welcome to the only place on the internet where the lying Jews 
tell the truth about themselves.

JFTL-1 poster


Meet the Jews who are stealing America, Europe and Australia for themselves while turning our democratic countries into Third World Communist cesspools as the Jews commit genocide on the Caucasian Race. Know what the Bernie Sanders' and the George Soros' and Charlie Schumers' and Diane Finesteins' and the Michael Bloombergs' and all of the Jewish talking heads on TV really believe in their daily lives.

Jesus Told the Truth About the Jews, but the Christians don't believe Jesus.

Enjoy the show!


Lecture Schedual for "Jews from Their Lips"
1. Welcome to the Jews' Lips 2. Jews May Rape Little Children
3. Lie to and Deceive Christians 4. Media Promotes Paedophilia
5. Rabbis are Not at all "Holy" 6. All Jewish Judges are Crooked
7. Non-Jews are Animals 8. Jewesses Molest their Sons
9. The Rabbis Speak for God 10. A "Chick" = a "Shiksa"
11. All Bankers are Crooks 12. Jews Don't Pay Taxes
13. Jews Are Pharisees 14. Jews Own the Entire World
15. Rabbis Smarter than God 16. Jews May Murder non-Jews
17. Jews May Steal Everything 18. Jews Murder the Truthful
19. Jews Shirk Military Duty 20. Curse Christians in Private
21. Call the Virgin Mary a Whore 22. Dumb-Down non-Jewish Kids
23. Non-Jews are Animals 24. Jews may rob, rape and kill.
25. All Jews lie to Christians 26. Slap a Jew and be murdered
27. Jews fear being found out 28. Burn Christian Books
29. Destroy All Religions 30. "Holy" Jews Commit all sins
31. All Jewish Women are Sluts 32. Jews May Screw All Women
33. Always Slander Christians 34. Jews are Child Molesters
35. Jews of the Media are Liars 36. Jewish Judges are Traitors
37. They Want your Property 38. Never Do Good to Christians
39. The Jews' Fake Friendship 40. Jews Killed Jesus Five Times
41. Sabbath Dirt 42. Leon Trotsky Talks the Walk
43. Genocide of White People 44. The Swindle of Communism
45. Evil Harvard Jew Professor 46. The Jews Cause Suffering
47. Charlie Schumer Kicks the Ammo  


A Cosmic Wheel Enterprises Production.
Copyright released into the Public Domain.
Distributed exclusively by The Bamboo Delight Company


Be it Known:

This is to affirm that I have checked all of these videos and they are accurate and true teachings of the Babylonian Talmud and Maimonides as taught by modern day rabbis to their congregations and practiced in the daily lives of all Jews worldwide.

My only reservation is that the pronunciation of the names of the Hebrew Tractates is not accurate. The teachings are the true teachings of the Babylonian Talmud and the Tractate Citations are correct, but the pronunciations are not correct Hebrew or Aramaic because the computer program only uses English phonemes.

Other than this minor detail of pronunciation, I affirm that these are the true and authentic teachings of the rabbis as practiced by all Jews worldwide.

Rabbi Yitzhak Spielberg
