Jews from their Lips
Welcome to the only place on the internet where the lying JewsÂ
tell the truth about themselves.
Meet the Jews who are stealing America, Europe and Australia for themselves while turning our democratic countries into Third World Communist cesspools as the Jews commit genocide on the Caucasian Race. Know what the Bernie Sanders' and the George Soros' and Charlie Schumers' and Diane Finesteins' and the Michael Bloombergs' and all of the Jewish talking heads on TV really believe in their daily lives.
Jesus Told the Truth About the Jews, but the Christians don't believe Jesus.
Enjoy the show!
A Cosmic Wheel Enterprises Production.
Copyright released into the Public Domain.
Distributed exclusively by The Bamboo Delight Company
Be it Known:
This is to affirm that I have checked all of these videos and they are accurate and true teachings of the Babylonian Talmud and Maimonides as taught by modern day rabbis to their congregations and practiced in the daily lives of all Jews worldwide.
My only reservation is that the pronunciation of the names of the Hebrew Tractates is not accurate. The teachings are the true teachings of the Babylonian Talmud and the Tractate Citations are correct, but the pronunciations are not correct Hebrew or Aramaic because the computer program only uses English phonemes.
Other than this minor detail of pronunciation, I affirm that these are the true and authentic teachings of the rabbis as practiced by all Jews worldwide.
Rabbi Yitzhak Spielberg