The Rune Technology of the Elder Futhark
The Runes of ancient Europe were not just a system of writing.
As anyone can see from perusing the variety of alphabets throughout the world, any graphic shape can represent any sound. There are a huge variety of shapes that represent a huge variety of sounds made by the various speakers of the many languages of the world. Their shapes mean nothing unless there is an agreement between those who use the alphabet as to what each shape sounds like. Only then can a writing system be devised when the people using the system all agree about the sound that each shape represents. Then and only then, can messages be sent one to another, written in that agreed upon system of shapes representing an agreed upon meaning in sound bites. That is what makes an alphabet.
Unique among the alphabets of the world, the writing sytem of the Northern Europeans was composed of shapes that were based upon the skills of the Norse warriors and bards. Each rune gives a sound for a writing system, yes, this is true. Messages and be written and read by those who share this alphabet. But that is as far as most scholars delve. Unknown to those who are not skilled in the Martial Methods and Druidic Methods of Celtic Europe, what is hidden in plain sight is the complete system of Norse martial arts based on the skills of the warrior castes of the Irish, British, French, German, Russian, Eastern European and Norse ancient peoples of Europe, that is, the white people living in ancient Europe before the modern European countries had names.
You are invited to explore the knowledge that the white people of the world have given all other peoples -- the spiritual science, martial skills and the genius of Caucasian Man. After all, our ancentors created 97% of everything you see, hear and know in the Modern World. We brought civilization to all of Mankind. So, when our ancestors also built into their writing system their methods for superiority on the battlefield and the secrets of their spiritual knowledge of Creation, it would be wise to pay close attention to the secrets that they tell.
What you will find here are the spiritual secrets of Caucasian Man that were discovered long before the Egyptian pyramids were built, long before the mud palaces of Sumeria and Babylonia were constructed. Here you will find the secret powers of European Man. This is an actual power that you, yourself have, within yourself. But this is not a simple "belief" or phony fantasy such as are found in the fake religions of Judaism and Islam. These are powers that are found within yourself. You don't have to go anywhere else to find them.
"Seek and ye shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
Congruently and before you can understand the mystic science of ancient Europe, first you must understand the spiritual force that resides within yourself.
The first exercise for seeing what cannot be seen but sensing what has always been within you, is to first find your own bio-electric energy. If you can do that, you will begin to understand the knowledge of the ancient Celts, the ancient Norse, the Vikings and Caucasian Man and Woman.
After you find your bio-electric power, next explore the Elder Futhark.
The Elder Futhark
The World Tree (known as Yggdrasil) is you, yourself.
Odin was a great sage who taught his people transcendental secrets of the world.
You can know and experience these mysteries and great powers for yourself by
looking into yourself, You, the Great Tree who stands between Heaven and Earth .
It is not easy, what Odin did, to stand in the rune postures for nine days,
Hanging in the Tree of Yggdrasil, one standing rune for each day.
But standing or "hanging" in these postures will open the deep mystery of Ginnungagap,
the gap of gaps, the abyss of abysses, the yawning, gaping abyss,
the great void both outside of you and inside of you.
But there is more. Discover the Ancient Power of European Man and Woman,
those mighty ones who left their secrets waiting for you in the Runes
Begin as Odin did, praying to All-Father and standing in the Algiz Rune.
Fehu |
Uruz |
Thurisaz |
Raidho |
Kenaz |
Gebo |
Wunjo |
Hagalaz |
Nauthiz |
Jera |
Eihwaz |
Pertho |
Sowilo |
Tiwaz |
Berkano |
Ehwaz |
Mannaz |
Lugaz |
Igwaz |
Degaz |
Othala |
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